Japan country profile

How do New Zealanders view Japan?

In this country profile, we look at the latest New Zealanders' Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples research to gain an understanding of how New Zealanders feel about Japan.

Importance to New Zealand’s future

Seventy percent feel that Japan is very important or important to New Zealand’s future, second only to China (77%).

Defence and security relations

New Zealanders consider Japan to be the most important Asian partner to work with when it comes to security and defence.

“ Small island nation that punches above its weight just like us and they often praise NZ publicly especially regarding our culture and sports teams.”

40-49 years, male, European, Māori, Fijian and Indian
heritage, Auckland

Influence over New Zealand 

New Zealanders believe that China is the Asian country with the most influence over New Zealand currently, with Japan coming in second. China is still expected to be the most influential in 10-to-20 years’ time, however India is expected to overtake Japan as the second most influential

Friend or threat?
Japan is regarded as New Zealand’s closest friend in Asia:

• 75 percent of New Zealanders regard Japan as a friend, 
with 21 percent considering it a close friend. 
• Only three percent see it as a threat.

"Rich history with a vibrant modern society. They seem to always be on the cutting edge of technology."

40-49 years male European, Maori, Fijian and Indian heritage, Auckland

Trust in major powers to act responsibly

We asked New Zealanders how much trust they have in key world and regional powers to act responsibly in the world:

• 56 percent of New Zealanders express very high trust in Japan to act responsibly in the world, while only six percent have low trust.

• Japan is the third most trusted power, behind Australia and the United Kingdom.

"Close political, commercial and sports ties. Easy to do business with and are a sophisticated friendly society."

60-69 years, male, European and Māori, Tasman

“I think it is a fascinating country – its culture, people, history, arts and nature.”

35-39 years, female, other European, Auckland


• Japan is the country of greatest interest as a travel destination, with 66 percent of respondents saying they’d be interested in traveling to Japan in the future. 

• Of the 58 percent of New Zealanders who have visited or traveled to Asia, 32 percent have been to Japan, making it the fifth most visited country in the region.

Knowledge and interest

• Japan is the place in Asia New Zealanders feel they know best, with 29 percent of respondents naming it as the place in Asia they know the most about. 

• It’s also the country New Zealanders most want to know more about — 21 percent of New Zealanders said they most want to learn more about Japan.

• Interest in culture is the main reason New Zealanders want to learn more about Japan.

Download the Japan Country Profile

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