Indonesia country profile

How do New Zealanders view Indonesia?

In this country profile, we look at the latest New Zealanders' Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples research to gain an understanding of how New Zealanders feel about Indonesia.

Importance to New Zealand’s future

Indonesia is seen as the eighth most important country in Asia to New Zealand’s future, with 33 percent of New Zealanders considering it important or very important.

“Large population with varied cultures and landscapes. Seems like [Indonesia] might have a larger role to play in the future.”

35-39 years, female, European, Bay of Plenty 

Influence over New Zealand
Indonesia did not appear among respondents' answers to the question of which Asian country holds the most influence over New Zealand. New Zealanders believe that China is the Asian country with the most influence over New Zealand. China is still expected to be the most influential in 10-to-20 years’ time, and India’s future influence is also expected to increase.

Friend or threat? 

Sentiment towards Indonesia is broadly positive:

• 38 percent of New Zealanders regard Indonesia as a friend, with two percent considering it a close friend. 
• Only six percent see Indonesia as a threat, with one percent viewing it as a major threat.

Trust in major powers to act responsibly
We asked New Zealanders how much trust they have in key world and regional powers to act responsibly in the world:
• 14 percent of New Zealanders express high or very high trust in Indonesia to act responsibly in the world, while 
• 16 percent express low or very low trust levels.



• 20 percent of respondents are interested in traveling to Indonesia in the future. 

• Of the 58 percent of New Zealanders who have visited or traveled to Asia, 23 percent have been to Indonesia, making it the sixth most visited country in the region.

“It is important we establish good trading ties with this country, and [share] ideas.”

60-69 years, male, European, Wellington

Knowledge and interest


• Despite its vast population and relative geographic proximity, only two percent of New Zealanders named Indonesia as the Asian country they know best.

• For those most familiar with Indonesia, visits to the country, followed by friends and family, ranks as the top source of knowledge and information.

• Those who said they most want to learn more about Indonesia often noted that it is a large country not far from New Zealand and yet we know so little about it. 

Download the Indonesia country profile

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The Foundation's Research Programme commissions studies that support informed public conversations about New Zealand’s relationship with Asia. We also support the next generation of scholars through our Foundation Research Grants.

Our Asia in Focus programme provides expert analysis on on Asia and New Zealand-Asia relations.

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