74 Results
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Leadership Network / News
Timor volunteering leads to earthquake response role

Leadership Network member Dana MacDiarmid says a degree of serendipity played a role in her moving to Timor-Leste to take up a role with Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA).

Entrepreneurship / News
Myanmar Matters

Leadership Network member Tim McCready discusses being part of an Asia New Zealand Foundation delegation that travelled to Myanmar in September.

Entrepreneurship / News
S.E Asian women
breaking barriers

Kim Bowden chats with four Southeast Asian women breaking barriers in the traditionally male-dominated agribusiness sector, while also helping to develop their communities.

Media / News
Timor's tragic past haunts delegate

Journalist Jimmy Ellingham describes his time as a delegate on the Foundation's Timor Talks dialogue.

Meet our 2023 Leadership Network members / News
Tour to build theatrical ties between New Zealand and Asia

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is pleased to announce the names of three theatre professionals who will take part in the Foundation's first Performing Arts Tour to China and Thailand.

Research / News
Harnessing New Zealand’s
connections with Southeast Asia

A new Asia New Zealand Foundation report shines a light on the depth of New Zealand’s relationship with Southeast Asia, particularly the people-to-people links.

Entrepreneurship / News
Southeast Asian entrepreneurs visit Fieldays

ASEAN agribusiness entrepreneurs visiting New Zealand see potential for Kiwi farming technology to be adapted to suit Southeast Asia.

Leadership Network / News
Leadership Network members discuss learning an Asian language

Despite growing awareness of the importance of learning a second language, over the past ten years New Zealand has seen a 29 percent drop in secondary school students learning an Asian language.

News / News
Appeal for return of missing polar bear lantern

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is appealing for the safe return of a baby polar bear lantern that disappeared at the end of the Auckland Lantern Festival.

Business / News
Engineering intern up to the challenge in Jakarta

Engineering graduates Surya Sappa and Derryn Bracey have just returned from spending eight weeks interning at professional services consultancy BECA in Jakarta.

Research / News
Perceptions of Asia 2015 survey

An Asia New Zealand Foundation survey finds New Zealand still has a long way to go in its understanding of Asia, despite high recognition of the region’s economic and cultural importance.

News / News
Chinese ANZACs book launched

A book that chronicles the contributions of men of Chinese descent who fought for New Zealand during the First World War was launched at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park in Wellington in March.

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