116 Results
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Resources / Report
Intersections: Southeast Asia and diaspora engagement

Intersections: Southeast Asia and diaspora engagement provides an overview of the Southeast Asian diasporas in New Zealand and of the New Zealand diaspora in Southeast Asia.

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Resources / Report
South Korea - An Opportunity for New Zealand Business

The report looks at how NZ businesses ca build a thorough understanding of the South Korean market to gain an appreciation of the largely complementary trade relationship between the two countries.

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Resources / Report
New Zealand Capability - Lessons from Asia:
Singapore and Malaysia

This report examines the strategic practices of Singapore and Malaysia as a guide to improving New Zealand’s strategic capability.

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Resources / Report
Mapping Track II Institutions in New Zealand, Australia and the Asian Region

This report looks at the leading Asia-focused track II institutions in New Zealand, Australia and the Asian region.

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Research / News
Foundation announces 2018 postgraduate research grantees

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of the Foundation’s postgraduate research grants. They are Dylan Stent, Jasmine Edwards, and Jack Petterson.

Business / News
China Business Summit 2024 - key insights

Find out some of the Foundation team's key takeaways from this year's China Business Summit, held in Auckland on 20 May. The summit explored NZ-China economic, commercial and political relations.

Resources / Report
New Zealanders' Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples 2022

This year’s Perceptions of Asia report shows that New Zealanders want to see more energy and resources put into growing New Zealand’s cultural, economic, and political relationships with Asia.

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Research / News
Living under threat - lessons from South Korea

Otago University teaching fellow Peter Grace visited South Korea recently to look at how citizens of that country perceive and respond to the ever-present threat from the north.

Research / News
New Zealand must walk the talk on sustainability and innovation - Queenstown hui

The Foundation brought together industry experts in Queenstown to discuss how New Zealand can make the most of its connections with Asia in the areas of innovation and sustainable development.

Research / News
NZ business must delve deeper and adapt if we're to thrive in Asia - Christchurch hui

NZ needs to find new ways of building business connections with Asia and look beyond purely transactional relationships if this country is to make the most of opportunities in the region.

Research / News
Politics and security hui - New Zealand must set its own course

How New Zealand can best advance its political and security objectives in Asia was the topic of discussion at the Foundation's Seriously Asia Revisited hui held in Wellington in August.

Research / News
New ways of engaging with Asia needed - Auckland hui

Find out about the Foundation's Seriously Asia Revisited hui which consideried ways to advance New Zealand's relationships with Asia with a focus on society and culture.

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