32 Results
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Business / News
Intern finds his feet in Vietnam after shaky start

Having spent time in Thailand the previous year, Ethan Laby arrived in Vietnam confident he knew what to expect. However, it wasn't long before he realised Vietnam was a whole new kettle of fish...

Track II / News
Track II experience helps solidify future research

Masters student Jackson Calder says attending the Track II dialogue between the Asia New Zealand Foundation and the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam recently was an eye-opening experience.

Track II / News
Vietnam Track II
helps "shape Future"

Sarah Pereira describes taking part in the Foundation's Track II talks in Vietnam last month. Sarah attended as an observer with the New Zealand delegation.

Business / News
Business intern jumps into life in Vietnam

Coming to the end of her three-month internship with KPMG in Vietnam, Paige Hennessy reflects on the experience and what it's taught her about work, Vietnam, and herself.

Entrepreneurship / News
Kiwi innovators to explore Vietnam tech opportunities

New Zealand tech entrepreneurs will experience Vietnam’s burgeoning tech industry on an Asia New Zealand Foundation visit.

Research / News
Refugee family finds welcoming home in 1980s Masterton

In 1980, aged three years old, Nhu Bich (Nikki) Chung arrived in New Zealand as a refugee with her mother and father after a perilous journey from Vietnam.

Arts / News
Collaboration between New Zealand
and Vietnamese artists

An exhibition by artist Mat Logan and two Vietnamese artists he met while on a Foundation residency in Vietnam is opening at Wellington's Toi Pōneke Gallery.

Leadership Network
Young New Zealand leaders heading to Hanoi

Fourteen members of the Foundation’s Leadership Network will be travelling to Hanoi this month to learn about Vietnam and make connections.

Track II / News
Vietnam Track II a window into international diplomacy

In 2018, Leadership Network member Sarah Pereira was part of a Foundation-led Track II delegation to Vietnam. In this article, Sarah reflects on the experience and how it's impacted her career.

Research / News
Time for New Zealanders to update their perceptions of Viet Nam

A new report from the Foundation — Viet Nam and New Zealand: Let’s go! — tells the story of the country’s dynamic relationship with New Zealand.

Leadership Network / News
Q&A: Returning home an easy call for Hanoi-based Leadership Network member

We chat with Leadership Network member Ben O'Brien about being in Hanoi as COVID-19 first struck and get his take on how Vietnam responded to the ensuing crises.

Entrepreneurship / News
Māori tech entrepreneurs to explore opportunities in Vietnam

Vietnam is quickly gaining a reputation for its entrepreneurial spirit – and five Māori entrepreneurs will get the chance to experience the country’s tech-hungry culture on a visit in November.

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