112 Results
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Sports / News
Japan 101 for departing womens sevens team

Saint Mary’s College Seven’s Rugby Team travelled to Fukuoka, Japan, on Wednesday to take part in the Sanix World Rugby Youth Tournament. Before leaving, they tested out their chopstick skills, practi

Business / News
Business intern soaking up Japanese culture in Tokyo

Celia Stokman says she has thrown herself into Japanese culture on her "once in a lifetime" experience developing software for e-commerce company Rakuten on a three-month Asia New Zealand Foundation b

Sports / News
Floorball team get pre-trip taste of Japanese culture

The New Zealand Men’s Under 19 Floorball Team learnt about Japanese culture and picked up some useful words and phrases at the Foundation’s inaugural Pre-departure Cultural Competency Workshop for spo

Media / News
Reporter Carmen Parahi discovers cultural connections in Japan

Reporter Carmen Parahi and cameraman Phillip Davis travelled to Japan to cover stories for TV One's Marae programme. Parahi describes the trip and the stories they covered.

Media / News
Lessons from Japan - earthquakes and tsunamis

Supported by an Asia New Zealand Foundation media travel grant, Newstalk ZB journalist Tyler Adams travelled to Japan to compare its earthquake and tsunami reconstruction methods to Christchurch’s.

Arts / News
NZ performing arts practitioners to strengthen links with Asia

Ten New Zealand-based performing arts programmers will attend the Yokohama Performing Arts Meeting (YPAM) on a tour organised by the Asia New Zealand Foundation and Creative New Zealand.

Research / News
A young academic's voyage into uncharted waters

Up-and-coming academic Kina Kunz recently travelled to Japan to conduct research and speak at the ISA Asia-Pacific conference about Japan and Korea's divergent paths in response to the rise of China.

Arts / News
Exploring the Arts in Tokyo and Seoul: A Cultural Journey

Read director arts Craig Cooper's account of his recent visit to Japan and South Korea to connect with potential partner organisations and scope out new opportunities for the Foundation.

Education / News
Kiwi kids making online connections with Asia

Kiwi kids are connecting with their cohorts in Japan and South Korea and learning to become global citizens thanks to an online programme co-founded by Leadership Network member Brittany Teei.

Research / News
Art to bind cultures

Karl Johnstone is the owner and director of Haumi NZ, a business that initiates designs and delivers projects of national and international significance both in New Zealand and throughout the world.

Research / News
New Zealand and Japan: To our future

With many New Zealanders’ eyes on Japan for the Rugby World Cup, a new report commissioned by the Foundation explores whether enough has been done to sustain the relationship off the field.

Resources / Resource
country information

Find facts, figures and information about Japan, including population, climate and useful websites.

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