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Resources / Resource
country information

Find facts, figures and information about Indonesia, including population, climate and useful websites

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Entrepreneurship / News
Kiwi tech entrepreneurs to learn about tech giants in Indonesia

Five leading Kiwi tech entrepreneurs are heading to Indonesia from 12 to 17 November as part of an Asia New Zealand Foundation programme that will take a deep dive into the country’s flourishing tech

Resources / Resource
Poster of Indonesia

Our poster of Indonesia highlights key cities and places of interest as well as providing useful information for New Zealand teachers and their students.

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Arts / News
Artist experiences close-knit Jogja art world

Bridget Reweti, who spent three months as an artist-in-residence in Indonesia, says the Jogja art scene is like nothing she’s experienced before.

Business / News
Engineering intern up to the challenge in Jakarta

Engineering graduates Surya Sappa and Derryn Bracey have just returned from spending eight weeks interning at professional services consultancy BECA in Jakarta.

Business / News
KPMG internship shines a light on bustling Indonesia

Arriving in Jakarta, KPMG intern Thomas Kim was blown away by the hustle and bustle of the city but quickly found his feet putting his university education to work helping the KPMG team and their clie

Arts / News
Short film festival highlights Indonesia

The 2023 Show Me Short Film Festival turned the spotlight on Indonesia, looking beyond the beaches of Bali to delve into the societal issues facing the S.E Asian country.

Leadership Network / News
Indonesia's unique position in ASEAN

Leadership Network member Will Seal travelled to Jakarta, Indonesia, earlier this year to research Indonesia's unique relationship with ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). In this article,

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KPMG internship, Indonesia

The KPMG Indonesia internship is for final year undergraduate students, graduate students and recent graduates who have or are studying towards a degree in economics or related fields.

Media / Grant
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ACICIS Journalism Professional Practicum in Jakarta, Indonesia

The Foundation supports New Zealand journalism students and recent graduates to attend the Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) Journalism Professional Practicum.

Media / News
Media intern swept up by bustling Jakarta

Media intern Isabella Cleary describes the six weeks she spent living in Indonesia, learning Baharsa, exploring the countryside with friends and covering local stories.

Media / News
Indonesia revealed on media internship

Journalist Michael Andrew says his understanding of Indonesia was turned on its head during the six weeks in the country studying Bahasa Indonesia and undertaking a placement at the Jakarta Post.

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