54 Results
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Leadership Network / News
Café-style conversations key to learning Indonesian in capital

It’s fair to say Wellingtonians love their coffee, so it’s probably no surprise that an Indonesian language and culture group with a name that literally translates to "Coffee Shop" is going to be a hi

Media / News
Indonesian election adds spice to media internship

Timaru journalist Megan Sutherland, a Canterbury University graduate, spent six weeks in Jakarta interning for Agence France Presse (AFP), during which she covered Jakarta's incumbent governor as he s

Research / News
Former international student helping the next generation settle in to NZ life

Laila Faisal came to New Zealand from Indonesia as a scholarship student and now works as a learning advisor at Victoria University (VUW). She was profiled as part of the Foundation's report Relations

Leadership Network / News
New Leadership Network member baking up a storm in Jakarta

Indonesian baker/entrepreneur Talita Setyadi first came in contact with us when she met with a group of food and beverage entrepreneurs visiting Indonesia as part of the Foundation's ASEAN YBLI.

Entrepreneurship / News
Indonesia a foodies' paradise for F&B entrepreneurs

Six New Zealand food and beverage entrepreneurs toured the markets of Jakarta, met with “visionary” business leaders and climbed an active volcano on a tour to Indonesia last month.

Entrepreneurship / News
Entrepreneurs to gain tasty business knowledge in Indonesia

New Zealand food innovators will gain valuable insights into Indonesia’s food and beverage sector on an Asia New Zealand Foundation tour this month.

Leadership Network / News
Young leaders discuss strengthening NZ-Indonesia ties

Tragedy struck Jakarta a little over 12 hours before we were due to begin making our way there for the second 15+15 Dialogue between Indonesia and New Zealand.

Media / News
Māori TV investigates indigenous
issues in West Papua

Assisted by a media travel grant, Māori Television’s Native Affairs producer and cameraman Adrian Stevanon and freelance photojournalist Karen Abplanalp travelled to West Papua, Indonesia in August.

Entrepreneurship / News
Entrepreneur brings
West Java coffee to NZ

Indonesian coffee entrepreneur Indradi Soemardjan and Wellington-based coffee roasters Ripe come together over a cup of coffee.

Resources / Report
Indonesia and its Significance for New Zealand

This paper examines Indonesia and its significance for New Zealand, including Indonesia’s regional role and economic characteristics.

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Media / News
Intern's passion for journalism opens doors in Indonesia

NZME journalist Katie Harris says studying Bahasa Indonesia and interning for global news agency APF was a life changing experience that made her reconsider the way she approaches journalism.

Track II / News
Juggling academia and parenthood

Vanessa Bramwell writes about juggling parenthood and her PhD studies and how attending the 33rd Asia Pacific Roundatable in Kuala Lumpur helped clarify the direction she wants to take her career.

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