125 Results
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Business / News
NZ China Council internship "challenging and exciting"

William Spear says his internship with the NZ China Council has given him new found appreciation of the complexities and importance of NZ's relationship with China.

Business / News
Future-proof your China business strategy – big trends to watch out for

What are some of the latest trends and social changes occurring in China that will impact New Zealand companies looking to do business there.

Business / News
Beijing internship sets path for career in international trade

Going on five years since he set off for Beijing and an internship with marketing agency Digital Jungle, we ask Edward Smith to reflect on his internship and how it has impacted his subsequent career.

Business / News
Q&A: China crucial to NZ's post-COVID recovery

We chat with the Foundation's business programme director Felicity Roxburgh about taking part in the recent China Business Summit and look at some of the big issues facing NZ's business community.

Education / News
Online wushu workshops provide
fun and learning in lockdown

With COVID-19 forcing student learning online, the Foundation's education team got creative and began offering online workshops that bring professional instructors into the home.

Arts / News
East Meets West in Wellington

The three women who founded Wellington’s Chinese New Year Festival reflect on how it has developed since the early days and talk about the significance of perennial festival favourite East Meet West.

Leadership Network / News
Q&A with Chengdu-based Leadership Network member Kristen Ng

After falling in love with Chengdu's bustling street life while visiting the city with friends, Leadership Network member Kristen Ng decided to escape the "international student bubble" of Beijing and

Leadership Network / News
History and geography frame China's national identity

Leadership Network member Sarah Novak writes about taking part in the network's China Hui in Chengdu and Xi'an and looks at what New Zealand could learn from how China tells its national story.

Media / News
Journalist struck by the contrasts of China

Amanda Cropp, Christchurch business bureau chief for Stuff, travelled to China to cover a NZ trade delegation and find out how New Zealand businesses are making out in our biggest trading nation.

Leadership Network / News
China: Seeing is believing

Leadership Network members had their preconceptions of China challenged at a hui that provided insights into doing business in the country and how ‘NZ Inc’ operates there.

Media / News
First reporting trip to China an enlightening experience

Radio New Zealand reporter John Gerritsen travelled to explore the impact of the diaspora of New Zealand-educated Chinese on the New Zealand-China relationship.

Education / News
Students wowed by lantern festival performers

It’s not often a Mongolian throat singer, a Chinese hat juggler and a trio of traditional folk musicians turn up at Timaru Girls’ High School, so when they do, the students sit up and take notice.

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