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Research / News
2019 research grantees announced

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of the Foundation’s postgraduate research grants for 2019.

Research / News
Master's student researches NZ farming aid to Sri Lanka

Jasmine Edwards describes navigating monsoon rains and flooded roads in Northern Sri Lanka to interview women farmers who have received aid from a New Zealand government programme aimed at increasing

Education / News
School's Japan trip lays foundations for ongoing friendships

Visiting shrines and markets, eating local delicacies and riding on the shinkansen (bullet train) were all highlights of a visit to Japan for 20 Year-12 and 13 Kapiti College students, but it was stay

Education / News
Japan trip a roller coaster
of emotions for Kiwi students

Riccarton High School students Vanessa Ye and Catylin Roberts write about their experiences exploring Tokyo, attending a Japanese school and staying with a family on their class trip to Japan. The cla

Research / News
2017 postgraduate research grantees announced

The Foundation is pleased to announce the successful applicants for the 2017 round of Asia New Zealand Foundation postgraduate research grants. They are Ashalyna Noa, Paul Winter, and Daniel Kleinsman

Resources / Report
New Waves: Meeting the growing hunger for Asian art in Aotearoa

Commissioned by the Asia New Zealand Foundation and written by Rosabel Tan, this report offers you unique insight into New Zealand’s changing relations with and in Asia through the arts.

pdf 3.3 MB Download
Arts / News
Q&A: NZ artist immerses self in Taiwan's vibrant pop culture

In this Q&A, we talk to artist Allan Xia about his research trip to Taiwan and discuss what makes Taiwan such a hotbed for contemporary pop-culture.

Arts / News
Director Arts visits Asia's arts superconductor - Taiwan

The Foundation's director Arts reports on his recent trip to Taiwan, where he met with arts practitioners and learned about the local arts scene.

Arts / News
Q&A: Made in Them

We chat to dancers and choreographers Xin Ji and Xiao Chao about their work ‘MADE IN THEM’, premiering at Auckland's ASB Waterfront Theatre on 21 and 22 April.

Arts / News
Speakers to provide Japanese lens at photo festival

We chat to Auckland Festival of Photography CEO Julia Durkin about the two Japanese photography practitioners Emi Higano and Ihiro Hayami who the Foundation is supporting to speak at the festival.

Arts / News
Krishnan's Dairy - 25 years and going strong

Marking 25 years since it debuted at Bats Theatre in Wellington, one of New Zealand's most beloved and iconic plays is again touring.

Arts / News
Q&A: Paradise or the Impermanence of Ice Cream

We chat with Jacob Rajan about the Indian Ink Theatre Company play 'Paradise or the Impermanence of Ice Cream', which he co-wrote and starred in.

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