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Arts / News
Artist exhibits Diamonds and Rust on Xiamen residency

Moniek Schrijer spent three months living and creating jewellery in Xiamen, China, as last year's Wellington Asia Residency Exchange (WARE) artist in residence. Moniek was hosted in Xiamen by the Chin

Arts / News
Artist delves into
community in Beijing

Half way through his residency at I:Project Space in Beijing, artist Ted Whitaker reports back on his experiences.

Arts / News
Residency artist fuses NZ modernism and Indian handcraft

We spoke to artist Natalie Guy about her time as the 2017 Asia New Zealand Foundation artist in residence at Kriti Gallery in Varanasi, India. She describes living in Varanasi and the works she create

Arts / News
IN TOUCH - Drinking With Li Bai

We chat to poet Doc Drumheller about his IN TOUCH Arts Commission work in which fellow poets and dignitaries in New Zealand and Asia read poems from his 2018 collection of poems Drinking with Li Bai.

Arts / News
IN TOUCH: Walking away

In this article we talk to the creators of IN TOUCH Arts Commission Walking Away and discuss why the tango is so popular among Asian communities in New Zealand and around the world.

Arts / News
IN TOUCH - Tashi Dolma

We chat to artist Tiffany Singh about her work Tashi Dolma, a short video that captures the essence of her arts practice. Tashi Dolma is one of the Foundation's 2022 IN TOUCH Arts Commissions.

Arts / News
IN TOUCH - A Bite That Takes Me Home

Yixuan Zhu's IN TOUCH Arts Commission work A Taste That Takes Me Home is a playful exploration of the role food plays in Chinese culture.

Arts / News
IN TOUCH - In / You

We talk to Paul Mathews about his IN TOUCH dance In / You, which he performs with his wife, Mayu Tanigaito, and is filmed beneath the pohutukawa tree under which they were married in 2017.

Arts / News
Seoul’s nature inspires Kiwi artist

The parks on the edge of the Han river are a welcome respite to the hustle and bustle of Seoul, writes Sam Thomas, who is doing a three-month residency at SeMA Nanji.

Research / News
2020 Postgraduate Research Grant recipients named

The Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020 round of Postgraduate Research Grants. The grants are awarded to young NZ academics whose research involves Asia-related topics.

Research / News
Sri Lanka fieldwork helps shape career path

Jasmine Edwards reflects on her visit to Sri Lanka to conduct research for her master's project in 2016. She says the trip helped her bridge the gap between academic research and real-world practice.

Education / News
Student soaks up Japanese culture on exchange

Leanne Hammersley writes about living and studying in the coastal city of Ashiya, half way between Kobe and Osaka, where she is completing her final semester of a Bachelor of Arts.

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