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Leadership Network / News
Indonesia's unique position in ASEAN

Leadership Network member Will Seal travelled to Jakarta, Indonesia, earlier this year to research Indonesia's unique relationship with ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). In this article,

Entrepreneurship / News
Southeast Asian entrepreneurs
to gain agribusiness insights

Top Southeast Asian agribusiness leaders and entrepreneurs will be visiting Hamilton agricultural show Fieldays in June as part of a programme run by the Asia New Zealand Foundation.

Resources / Report
Annual Report 2013

Find the 2012-13 Annual Report and 2012-13 Grants Reports

Resources / Report
Perceptions of Asia 2011

This report presents the 2011 results of the annual ‘Perceptions of Asia’ research conducted for the Asia New Zealand Foundation. It is an up-to-date snapshot of public opinion surrounding New Zealand

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Resources / Report
Globalisation and Regionalisation in East Asia: The China Factor

This report explores the place of East Asia in the evolution of New Zealand’s security and defence policies, and identifies a sensible and sustainable approach for New Zealand.

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News / News
Asia internships to help young New Zealanders develop skills and networks 

Twenty-three young New Zealanders are heading to Asia to gain work experience in the field of business, media, and sports through an internship programme run by the Asia New Zealand Foundation.

Research / News
Asia increasingly front and centre for New Zealand’s future

Perceptions of Asia: Now in its 26th year, Asia New Zealand Foundation’s annual Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples survey reveals just how critical New Zealanders’ believe Asia is to our future.

Resources / Report
Seriously Asia Revisited - Trade, Tourism and Investment

The Asia New Zealand Foundation commissioned the Trade, Tourism and Investment paper as one of four thematic reports that revisit the outcomes and recommendations of the 2003 Seriously Asia initiative

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Resources / Report
Seriously Asia Revisited - Innovation and Sustainable Development

The Foundation commissioned the Innovation and Sustainable Development paper as one of four thematic reports that revisit the outcomes and recommendations of the 2003 Seriously Asia initiative.

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Resources / Report
Seriously Asia Revisited - Politics and Security

The Asia New Zealand Foundation commissioned the Politics and Security paper as one of four thematic reports that revisit the outcomes and recommendations of the 2003 Seriously Asia initiative.

pdf 2.4 MB Download
Research / News
Perceptions of Asia 2020

Despite the impacts of Covid-19, New Zealanders increasingly believe it is important for their country to build ties with Asia, new research from the Asia New Zealand Foundation shows.

Research / News
2019 research grantees announced

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of the Foundation’s postgraduate research grants for 2019.

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