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Leadership Network / News
Leadership Network Member brings baking to the boardroom

Ethan Laby's career as a young chartered accountant speaks to his appreciation for the black and white. However, in-between the comfort of stark figures, he also seeks out the shades of grey.

Leadership Network / Join
Join the Leadership Network

The Leadership Network equips New Zealand’s best and brightest to thrive in Asia. We support members to achieve, lead and learn about Asia so that New Zealand can succeed in the region.

Leadership journeys
Rethinking Leadership Hui: "lightening captured in a bottle"

"There is something so electric about being in a room full of people who share your drive, values, passion, and dedication to better our communities," writes Leadership Network member Jess Chong.

Leadership Network / News
Network member at home with his multicultural "superpower"

Joshua Peauafi can be seen as an “edge walker”. His dad is from Tonga, his mum from Aotearoa New Zealand, and he grew up in Upper Hutt, navigating the space where those two cultures merge.

Leadership Network / News
Leadership Network member and CEO breaking glass ceilings

Alexia Hilbertidou was not your average teenager. Imagine the usual trials and tribulations of teenagehood and add to them founding and running a company with skyrocketing popularity.

Leadership Network / News
New Leadership Network member and proud Westie getting things done

While some may be content to sit on their laurels having completed a master's degree in psychology, new Leadership Network member Seraphine Williams is now three years' deep into a degree in medicine.

Leadership Network / News
Kobe-born Kiwi connecting creatives in Asia

Born in Kobe, Japan, and raised in Nelson, new Leadership Network member Fenn Anderson has always had strong connections to Asia and now spends a good chunk of the year working in the region.

Leadership Network / Connect
Leadership Network Ngopi & Kōrero

Find out about connecting with fellow network members to make new friends, discuss life, leadership and Asia and help strengthen the bonds that make the Leadership Network special.

Leadership Network / News
Hui weaves Pacific-Asia connections

Leadership Network member Liam Kokaua writes about the network's recent Tāngata Moana Hui, describing the ceremony and protocols that made it a distinctly Pacific occasion.

Leadership Network / News
Opinion: New Zealand must help advance LGBTQ+ rights in the Asia Pacific

Leadership Network member Vinod Bal reports back from Sydney World Pride 2023’s Human Rights Conference where he heard about the struggles for equality being faced by LGTBQ communities in the Asia.

Leadership opportunity
Leadership Network: Festival for the Future opportunity

The Foundation is providing the opportunity for Leadership Network members to attend New Zealand's largest youth-focussed event that looks at leadership and innovation for impact.

Leadership Network / News
Leadership, it's not about being the Big Man

Being a leader is not about being the loudest or most confident person in the room writes Leadership Network member Amarind Eng following the network's Rethinking Leadership Hui.

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