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Business / News
Intern at home in fascinating Hong Kong

Naushyn Janah writes about her internship at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and falling in love with the diverse, vibrant city of Hong Kong.

Business / News
Hong Kong internship
broadens horizons

Foundation intern Ash Stanley-Ryan describes his first month interning at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC).

Business / News
Internship an indisputable success

Coming to the end of her summer internship, Victoria University law student Lydia Joyce says the experience has provided her fascinating insights into the world of international dispute resolution.

Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre internship

This internship is aimed at practising lawyers and law students who are interested in international dispute resolution and international arbitration.

Business / News
Internships to boost young New Zealanders' Asia capabilities

Eighteen New Zealand tertiary students and recent graduates will experience how business is done in Asia while undertaking domestic, online and in-country internships this summer.