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Research / Grant
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Foundation research grants

The Foundation invites talented postgraduate students to apply for a scholarship of up to $3000 to help with research into Asia-related themes.

Research / News
Nuclear bomb plot inspires research

A spy story with all the ingredients for a best-selling novel provided the inspiration for Paul Winter’s 2018 research project, funded in part by a grant from the Asia New Zealand Foundation.

Research / News
Investigating Chinese perspectives on South China Sea issues

Looking to get a Chinese perspective on issues relating to South China Sea dispute, master's student Jack Petterson travelled to China to talk to academics and officials. He was assisted by an Asia Ne

Research / News
PhD student investigates
soft power in the Pacific

With the help of a Foundation postgraduate research grant, Ashalyna Noa travelled to Samoa and China to conduct fieldwork for her PhD, which examines New Zealand and China’s foreign aid and soft power

Research / News
Philippine prison visit inspires research thesis

Daniel Kleinsman describes how visiting a prison while living in the Philippines as a Catholic seminarian inspired him to return to New Zealand to undertake studies in international human rights law.

Research / News
2016 Postgraduate Research Grantees named

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is pleased to announce the successful applicants for our 2016 round of Asia New Zealand Foundation postgraduate research grants. The $5000 grants will go towards assist

Arts / News
Q&A: Ceramics exhibition reflects on lives of Otago's first Chinese

The rich and complex history of the first Chinese to live in Otago is explored in an exhibition by Cindy Huang being held at Queenstown's Te Atamira gallery.

Education / News
A Clear Dawn shines for budding poets

Students at Cobham intermediate turned their hands/minds to the art of the ode thanks to a Foundation-arranged visit by poet Neema Singh. Livia Adams and May Fudakowska (Y8) describe the experience.

Arts / News
The First Asian Prime-Time Sitcom

The Foundation talks to Nahyeon Lee about her new play The First Prime-Time Asian Sitcom - how the work evolved through the pandemic and the pressures that have come with putting on an Asian-led show.

Arts / News
Arts reunion a chance to reconnect and look ahead

The Foundation brought together some of the hundreds of arts practitioners it has supported over the years for a reunion in to reconnect, share ideas and learn about upcoming opportunities.

Arts / News
A Clear Dawn: New Asian Voices from Aotearoa New Zealand

Launched at the recent Auckland Writers Festival, A Clear Dawn is a anthology of poetry, fiction and essays from 75 emerging New Zealand writers of Asian ethnicity.

Arts / News
Zodiac Art Trail goes down the rabbit hole

The Asian Events Trust chat with artist Jade Townsend about her artwork for Wellington's Zodiac Arts Trail.

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