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Arts / Grant
Arts Project Fund

The Arts Project Fund supports New Zealand professional arts companies, events and organisations to deliver projects that will grow New Zealanders' awareness and knowledge of Asian arts.

Arts / News
Short film festival highlights Indonesia

The 2023 Show Me Short Film Festival turned the spotlight on Indonesia, looking beyond the beaches of Bali to delve into the societal issues facing the S.E Asian country.

Arts / News
Back to camp - arts producers make connections in Thailand

Three NZ performing arts producers connected with kindred spirits, re-affirmed old connections and built new ones when they took part in workshops and attended an performing arts market in Thailand.

Arts / Grant
Arts Practitioners Fund

Our Arts Practitioners Fund supports arts practitioners undertake opportunities that deepen artistic and professional connections such as residencies, work placements, research tours and exchanges.

Arts / News
Cherry blossoms and the beauty of Japanese paper

Artist Sybille Schlumbom describes travelling to the small city of Echizen on Japan's west coast to meet with fellow woodblock artists and learn about the intricacies of Japanese paper making.

Arts / News
Illustrator's India visit shines light on Anglo-Indian heritage

Mural artist and illustrator Guy Howard-Smith recounts his visit to India to conduct research for a children's book on Anglo-Indian history, and learn about his own history in the process.

Arts / News
Playwright imagines family myths in Xiamen

Playwright and director, actor, and co-founder of Proudly Asian Theatre, Chye-Ling Huang, shares insights from her three-month residency at the Chinese European Arts Centre Residence in Xiamen, China.

Arts / News
Good Company artist building bridges in Japan

Visiting Japan for the first time since the onset of Covid-19,artist and Good Company Arts director Daniel Belton returned to reconnect with colleagues, foster new connections and present new work.

Arts / News
Artist divines connections in Japan and Taiwan

Visiting fortune tellers and spiritual readers for an upcoming project gave artist Jen Alexandra a glimpse into a significant side of Japanese and Taiwanese societies that often go overlooked.

Education / News
Japan trip forges friendships for a lifetime

Riccarton High School students experienced the modernity and traditions of Japan on a tour of the country, visiting historic sites, attending high school and immersing themselves in the local culture.

Education / News
Students dazzled by Japan's neon lights, shrines and... melon soda

Awatapu College's visit to Japan took in many famous sights, from Shibuya Crossing to Kyoto's Golden Temple, but it was something unexpected that stole the show.

Education / News
Japan exchange expands Waihi school's whānau

Waihi College's expanded whānau now encompasses Kyoritsu Girl’s College in Japan, thanks to a reciprocal exchange programme that enables students from both schools to experience the other's culture.

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