
70 Results
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Leadership Network / News
Climate change takes center stage at Leadership Network Indonesia hui

Leadership Network member Dewy Sacayan reflects on the network's visit to Indonesia to engage in discussions with leading think tanks and organisations driving the nation's climate-change response.

Track II / News
More than just US-China tensions - insights on an evolving S.E Asia

Find out some of the key takeaways from talks given by Philippines academic and commentator Richard Heydarian during his recent speaking tour of New Zealand.

News / News
Ukraine, Taiwan and major-powers accountability dominate Singapore security summit

Foundation CEO Suzannah Jessep reflects on some of the big issues discussed at this year's Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

Business / News
China Business Summit 2024 - key insights

Find out some of the Foundation team's key takeaways from this year's China Business Summit, held in Auckland on 20 May. The summit explored NZ-China economic, commercial and political relations.

Track II / News
Elections and China dominate Taiwan track II discussions

The recent presidential election and China's response to it were top of mind when Foundation track II delegates met with their Taiwanese counterparts in March.

Track II / News
Dynamic and Determined: Catching the vibe of Viet Nam through Track II engagement

Struck by the energy and dynamism she encountered in Vietnam, Professor Beth Greener looks at the nation's place in the region, some of the big issues it faces and the role of Track II diplomacy.

Track II / News
Geopolitics, climate change and the Pacific hot topics at AIIB roundtable

The Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono recently hosted a delegation from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), led by its president, Jin Liqun, for a roundtable.

Track II / News
Opinion: The case for ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand cyber-security cooperation

New Zealand should look to promote multilateral initiatives with countries in Asia to tackle cyber-security threats, writes cyber-security expert Takuma Ohashi.

Track II / News
Opinion: Global issues require global responses

In this article, Brainbox Institute director Tom Barraclough reflects on his key takeaways from attending the ASEAN Australia New Zealand (AANZ) Roundtable in Kuala Lumpur.

Track II / News
Opinion: Great power competition requires fine balancing act

NZ could do worse than look to the regionalism of ASEAN to navigate the great power rivalry that is increasingly dominating discourse on the Indo-Pacific, writes Track II participant Jack Smylie.

Track II / News
Japan’s response to China’s Pacific influence dominates roundtable discussions

Japan's evolving relationships with S.Korea and India were among the talking points at a roundtable the Foundation held this month examining Japan's foreign policy under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Track II / News
India and Sri Lanka visit highlights opportunities for NZ

While both have much to offer, India and Sri Lanka present New Zealand with very different opportunities for engagement, writes international lawyer and policy consultant Dr Tracey Epps.

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