Leadership Network Shanghai Hui 2024

Shanghai’s uniqueness lies in its seamless blend of East and West, old and new. Shanghai is a hub of innovation, driven by its strategic initiatives and thriving tech ecosystem. China and New Zealand share a strong and multifaceted relationship, characterised by significant economic and cultural ties.

One of the most meaningful and important opportunities the Foundation offers its Leadership Network is the opportunity to help members connect with the broader Asia region through first-hand experience. Members can travel and attend offshore hui, growing connections and confidence along the way.  
This enables network members to connect over shared experiences that bring them together to influence change in New Zealand — in turn developing those all-important Asia skills needed for New Zealand’s future prosperity. 
The Shanghai Hui may include a side trip to Hangzhou will be tailored to showcase connections between New Zealand and China, explore China’s innovation, gain unique insights into China’s worldview, and develop connections between network members. 

Applications have closed for this opportunity

Please note that this opportunity is only for members of the Foundation's Leadership Network


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