Shanghai internship a "truly transformative" experience

"This internship was truly transformative, pushing me out of my comfort zone and fostering qualities of independence and resilience", writes Silver Fern Farms intern Lori Graham. Lori's three-month internship opened her eyes to Chinese business culture, while putting her studies to work in the real world and developing skills that will expand her future career opportunities. This is her internship story.
Lori standing in a high-end store in Shanghai

Lori: "In today's interconnected world, understanding Asian culture is undeniably valuable."

Arriving in Shanghai for the first time, I was immediately captivated by the city’s bustling energy and the impressive skyline.

The vibrant atmosphere was both overwhelming and exhilarating, making me eager to start my internship and explore further.

As an agribusiness and food marketing student at Lincoln University, I was excited to have the opportunity to work in one of New Zealand's major red meat markets.

I was eager to gain first-hand insights into international trade dynamics, market trends, and consumer behaviour while immersing myself in a different culture and business environment. 

The internship experience was nothing short of amazing!

The internship was diverse and enriching, involving a wide range of projects such as social media creation, crafting new product concept papers, and participating in product shoots.

These tasks not only aligned with my academic studies but also provided valuable practical applications, enhancing my understanding of the red meat industry.

A group shot including Lori and Silver Fern Farm staff

Lori says she was warmly welcomed and supported by the Silver Fern Farm team

The experience honed my analytical skills and opened my eyes to the complexities of global trade, as well as the strategic importance of the Chinese market to New Zealand's red meat industry. 

I learned that understanding Chinese consumer preferences is crucial. Chinese consumers value certain cuts of meat and have a growing interest in healthy, premium products.

It was also interesting to learn about the critical role digital marketing and social media plays in China, as well as the importance of building strong relationships with local partners, distributors, and regulators.

These learnings underscored the necessity of a nuanced approach to international business, combining cultural understanding, regulatory compliance, and strategic adaptability to succeed in the competitive Chinese market.

Lori posing for a photo with a small child holding a bunny balloon

Lori: "This internship was truly transformative, pushing me out of my comfort zone and fostering qualities of independence and resilience."

But it wasn't just work that made this experience so special. I embraced every chance to immerse myself in the local culture, wandering and admiring the city's energy, trying delicious food and exploring ancient temples.

Every day brought new insights, and I developed a deeper appreciation for the people, places, and culture that define Shanghai. 

One of my most memorable out-of-office experiences was exploring Shanghai's Bund and Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street.

The Bund, with its stunning waterfront views and historic buildings, provided a glimpse into Shanghai's rich history and its blend of Eastern and Western influences.

Walking along Nanjing Road, one of the world's busiest shopping streets, allowed me to experience electric modernity of the city, offering a stark contrast to the traditional aspects of Chinese culture.

A particularly enjoyable cultural experience was dining at a hotpot restaurant with friends I had met at a car show the same day.

The communal dining style of a hotpot dinner illustrates the importance of community and sharing in Chinese culture. It was not only a culinary adventure but also an opportunity to bond with locals and learn about their customs and dining etiquette.

Lori and friend posing for a selfie on a street as it snows

Lori and friends visiting the Bund on a snowy evening

The work environment at Silver Fern Farms was friendly and supportive. From the outset, my colleagues provided guidance at work and insights into the local culture.

I learned the importance of understanding Asian cultures in a globalised business landscape, and my experience helped me enhance my confidence in working in Asia.  

This internship was truly transformative, pushing me out of my comfort zone and fostering qualities of independence and resilience.

It laid the foundation for success in agribusiness and sparked a curiosity to delve deeper into Asian languages and cultures, enriching my skill set for future endeavours.  

Lori and work colleagues posing for a photo in a warehouse

In today's interconnected world, understanding Asian culture is undeniably valuable. It opens doors to diverse perspectives, fosters effective communication, and builds bridges in the global business scene.  

I wholeheartedly recommend this internship to anyone looking to grow personally and professionally. Embrace every opportunity for cultural immersion, engage with colleagues, and approach challenges with an open mind.

The journey will be transformative, leaving you with professional growth and a collection of memories and insights that will shape your perspective for years to come.

The Foundation's business programme supports New Zealand companies to better understand Asia so they can make the most of opportunities in the region. We are also focussed on growing the next generation of Asia-savvy business leaders.

The internship programme helps interns build a better understanding of the people, place and culture of their Asian host country, while developing industry-specific skills that will benefit them as they progress in their careers.