Geo-informatics and space technology internship, Thailand

This is a unique opportunity for third and fourth-year undergraduate and post-graduate students in aerospace, electrical, mechanical or computer engineering to work in the space industry. If you are passionate about building your career in the space industry, we encourage you to apply for this opportunity.
Waikato University student Siveshearn Jaynessh standing in a room with the GISTDA sign in front of large infographics displaying the work they do

Waikato University student Siveshearn Jaynessh interned at GISTDA over the 2022/23 summer

Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) is a Thai government agency that focuses on management and operation for geo-informatics applications in Thailand. Its objective is to develop geo-informatics and space technology as non-boundary knowledge for the country’s development.

The purpose of the internship programme is to provide New Zealand tertiary students with an experience of working in a business environment in Asia in order to gain a better understanding of the people, place and culture of the host country.

This internship will not be made available in 2024

What the intern will do

During the internship, the intern will be placed in the GISTDA office in Thailand.

The intern will be given a specific project or meaningful work relevant to their area of study and a mentoring supervisor will be assigned to monitor the intern’s professional development.

Depending on their academic background, tasks may include:

  • researching and analysing information to develop satellite designs and solve problems.
  • testing satellites to find and correct potential problems and ensure compliance with quality, safety, and functionality requirements.
  • testing materials to be used in satellite designs.
  • designing and assembling control panels, propulsion systems, guiding systems, computer systems, and other necessary parts and systems.
  • writing design proposals, reports, manuals, and other technical documents.


Applicants must:

  • be New Zealand citizens or have New Zealand permanent resident status
  • have recently completed an engineering degree, or due to complete one by November 2024
  • be in good health.

Who we're looking for

The successful applicant will be:

  • able to demonstrate a strong interest in Aerospace
  • adaptable, mature, reliable, and resilient
  • interested in pursuing a career involving Thailand and / or the wider Asian region.

Local language ability is not required as English is widely spoken in the office.

How are costs covered?

The Foundation will cover: 

  • airfares
  • accommodation costs
  • most living costs. 

The intern will be required to contribute NZ$500 of their own funds to cover some living expenses while offshore and take out appropriate travel insurance (subsidised by the Foundation).

Management of the programme

The Foundation manages the recruitment process and post-offshore professional development activity.

Pastoral care is delivered jointly by the Foundation, Asia Internship Programme (AIP), and GISTDA.

GISTDA and AIP manages delivery of the in-country professional development.

Terms and conditions

Interns are expected participate in Foundation professional development activities and networking events after they return and seek opportunities to share their internship experience. Sharing your experience with others is an important part of this initiative as it enlightens others about the Foundation, the internship programme and developments in Asia. 

Successful applicants will be required to agree to the standard Terms and Conditions for Asia New Zealand Foundation funding recipients.

Reporting requirements

Foundation interns are expected to write a 600-word article (with accompanying photos) on their internship that will appear on the Foundation’s website (to be submitted during the internship) and write a final three-page report evaluating the internship experience at the end of the programme.

How to apply for the internship

This internship will not be offered in 2024

Key dates

This internship will not be offered in 2024


If you have a question about the internships, please first check our 'What you need to know' page.

If your question is not answered there, email the Foundation’s project officer (internships) Joyce Bonde: