Business Internships FAQs

Check here for a list of frequently asked questions about the Foundation's business internships.

What does Asia New Zealand Foundation do?

The Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono is New Zealand’s leading authority on Asia. We provide experiences and resources to help New Zealanders build their knowledge, skills and confidence to thrive in Asia.

We work in partnership with influential individuals and organizations in New Zealand and Asia to provide forums, cultural events, international collaborations, school programmes and professional development opportunities.

When does the next internship round open?

Application rounds open mid-year. The 2024 internship round opened 30 May.

What is the internship programme all about?

The Foundation’s business programme facilitates internships in Asia for tertiary students and recent graduates to contribute to developing the next generation of Asia-savvy business leaders.

The programme helps New Zealand students to develop a better understanding of the people, place, culture and business protocols of their Asian host country.

Most internships are in-country in Asia but some are locally based and others are undertaken virtually. 

In what industries can I undertake an internship?

Opportunities cover a wide range of business sectors, from digital marketing, law and finance to food production, agri-tech, and creative industries.

What are the internship hours?

  • Virtual internships: Interns must be able to commit 20 hours per week for eight weeks to participate in the internship during November – February.
  • Offshore internships: fulltime for 8-12 weeks

Can I apply for more than one internship?

If applicants wish to apply for placements with more than one host, they should submit a separate application for each internship.

However, as all internship placements will take place during the same period, it will not be possible to do more than one internship.

Do I need to speak the language of the host’s country?

While knowledge of the host’s language would be advantageous, it is not a prerequisite for most internships as English is widely spoken in hosts’ workplaces.

How should interns prepare for the internship?

Once selected, the Foundation will arrange a group induction day in Auckland in November for all interns.  There will also be an opportunity to complete cultural competency training, as noted above, where you can get to know fellow interns participating in the programme.

How will I learn about Asia during the internship?

The Foundation will provide interns with opportunities to strengthen their Asia knowledge, networks and confidence.  This could include opportunities to connect with local mentors with Asia business experience or engage with local Asian communities in New Zealand. Regular contact with Asia-based colleagues will also contribute to greater understanding.

What is the Foundation looking for in candidates?

We will first check that applicants have studied a relevant course of study to the level requested in the advertisement, and comply with any other specific requirements of the host, which will also be clearly outlined in the internship promotion. High grades are always an advantage.

Our selection process will then focus on ensuring we identify the right fit for each internship opportunity. We will be looking for applicants who are open-minded and eager to learn about Asia and the Asian business environment.

Successful candidates will understand that working across cultures can sometimes bring challenges as well as plenty of opportunities. They will be resilient, self-starting individuals who can work well with a remote team of colleagues to maximise the value of the internship experience.

The knowledge and ability to represent New Zealand to the world, through engagement with your hosts and their stakeholders, is also important.

Who can apply?

Interns must be students or recent graduates (within the last two years) who are interested in pursuing a career involving the Asian region and are willing to engage with the Foundation’s professional development programme.

Only New Zealand citizens or permanent resident status with be considered for the programme.

How does the selection process work?

The Asia New Zealand Foundation will assess all applications, and short-list a small number of applicants (typically four to five) to undertake an interview assessment with a three-person panel.   

After the interviews, the panel will aim to recommend an applicant to the internship hosts. In some cases, a second short discussion for the recommended intern with a representative of the host company/organisation could be required, especially if the hosts were not involved at the selection panel stage. 

The Foundation will then check the recommended applicant’s references, as the final stage in the selection process.   

Who sits on the interview panel?

The panel members will vary for each internship, but could comprise Foundation staff members, a representative of the host company, and/or other external representatives with relevant experience. Interviews may take place in person or online, depending on the location of the applicant and panel members.

What happens after the internship?

We ask all interns to submit a one-page website article (600 words) during their internship, describing their experience; and a final report (3 pages long) within a month after they finish the internship, which is also shared with hosts.

We also welcome interns to remain in contact with the Foundation – there are many programmes and events that may be of interest during further career development.

Interns are also encouraged to participate in Foundation professional development activities and networking events after they complete their internship.