Annual Report 2007
This report contains the annual report and annual grants report for the Asia New Zealand Foundation for the financial year of 2006-2007.
Asia:NZ works at a number of levels in business, media, education, culture and research, with the aim of improving New Zealanders’ skills and knowledge so they can interact with the peoples of Asia with increasing confidence and sophistication.
It is a stimulating and challenging time to be part of Asia:NZ. New Zealand’s connections with Asia are deepening and diversifying, and the Foundation has an increasingly important role to play in these interactions.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the dedicated team at Asia:NZ, as well as our board, members of parliament and external partners, for their energy and commitment over the past year. Asia:NZ continues to generate a special enthusiasm among all those it touches, and that has been an essential ingredient in its success during 2006/07.
Throughout the year, Asia:NZ continued to foster and develop important partnerships both in New Zealand and abroad to strengthen our connections with Asia.
The past year has been a busy and successful one. The Foundation’s wide network of willing partners has assisted us in achieving impressive results from limited resources, and Asia:NZ programmes and activities have touched thousands. The following pages provide a highlight of these achievements. A detailed list of the 2006/07 grants and activities can be found on the Asia:NZ website at
Asia:NZ’s agenda for the coming year will be in response to the external review of the Foundation. We will do all we can to make sure New Zealand has the skills and knowledge to embrace the many opportunities the Asian region offers, both now and going forward.
Acting Executive Director
Annual Grants Report 2006 2007
pdf, 103.19 KB
Annual Report 2006 2007
pdf, 490.03 KB